HomeNewsDRC Congo Takes New Shape As President Tshisekedi Tighten Security Operation In...

DRC Congo Takes New Shape As President Tshisekedi Tighten Security Operation In Kinshasa

Congolese intelligence sources have disclosed that President Felix Tshisekedi had ordered state agents to raid former president Joseph Kabila’s residency.7d4126d50db046e8824225157affc306?quality=uhq&resize=720

Tshisekedi wants to crack down on any opposition ahead of the December 20, 2023 polls by accusing them of collaborating with M23 rebels in his imaginary plot to overthrow him.“The next target is the residences of Joseph Kabila which will be searched and arms planted in the coming days.b13a61e4248b4d9a90aa8674c6f3e97e?quality=uhq&resize=720

“Even what happened to the destruction of the monument of Mzee Laurent Désirée Kabila foundation was part of the scheme. They are searching for firearms and in some cases disguising it as a burglary.6cb6b71017e348689d5254bcf71b890c?quality=uhq&resize=720

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“We have received feedback that these actions are a provocation of the President’s opponents,” the source said.Kabila has since sent emissaries to Heads of State in the region particularly South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania to express dissatisfaction of Tshisekedi’s growing dictatorial tendencies.3cfdbce003284c58bbbaa96bbb4a9306?quality=uhq&resize=720

Local sources have reported skirmishes that erupted between M23 and an outfit called Wazalendo backed by FARDC in the last night’s hours between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m in general areas of kikingo-Nenero and kasesero-rubwe in the Tongo groupment of Rutshuru territory.a6b95dda1d6342df9a34ac8a6fcadabf?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Until morning hours, detonations of heavy and light weapons are still heard in the reported areas. Sources confirmed the initiative of Wazalendo to have attacked positions of M23 where they are in withdrawal process alarming resumption of new tension in the East of the DRC. Tshisekedi and his regime will no longer comply with peace process until the bullet is fired.a966f750ad874240a5947a4985455793?quality=uhq&resize=720

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