“Resign Immediately If You Are Not Happy” Gachagua Tells CSs Not Pleased With Ruto’s Decisions

"Resign Immediately If You Are Not Happy" Gachagua Tells CSs Not Pleased With Ruto's Decisions

Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua has come out to defend his boss, president William Ruto after some government officials disagreed with his ruling not to have the salary of senior government officials increased. Ruto speaking on Friday told the SRC to stop their plan of increasing the salaries and instead increase those of civil servants. Ruto said that senior government officials have enough money that will shield them from the harsh economy.


Some officials were however not happy with this decision and pushed the SRC to implement their decision against the president’s ruling. Gachagua after receiving wind of what some CSs are planning has told them that they are not the only ones capable of doing the job they are currently doing. Speaking on Sunday the second in command told CSs that are not pleased with their salaries to submit their resignation letters so that they can find someone else willing to be paid the money.

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“If there is a cabinet secretary who is not pleased with president William Ruto’s directive, you have a choice to write a resignation letter and let’s find someone else who will accept that salary,” Gachagua noted.


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